Life, Liberty and the pursuit of ANYONE who threatens it.

On 13 March 2010 the WV Legislature passed House Resolution HCR32 designating county bridge number 23-11/2-0.01 on County Road 11/2 at Bruno,as the LCpl Dale A Griffin Memorial Bridge in his honor and a permanent memorial so that LCpl Dale A Griffin's supreme sacrifice will never be forgotten. Mrs Betty J Dame from West Palm,FL attended the ceremony in honor of her son.
LCpl Griffin#2266203, MOS:0311 Rifleman, Dale was born in Logan,WV.His family lived in various states,due to his step-father serving in the Air Force. His parents were living in Alaska,when Dale enlisted in the Marines 29 June 1966 at the Seattle Recruiting Office in Washington. His mother signed his enlistment papers,as Dale was 17 years and 9 days old at the time.
Upon arriving in Vietnam 11 August 1967,Dale was assigned to 3rd Platoon,Echo Company, 2nd Battalion,3rd Marine Regiment,3rd Marine Division. While participating in Operation Ford,Dale died as a result of fragmentation wounds to the head and body from an explosive device,near Thon Ba Lang,8 kilometers north northeast of Phu Bai Airfield. Dale was single and served his country for 1
year,8 months and 14 days.KIA#24,148.He had been in Vietnam for 7 months and 3 days. Dale was 18 years,8 months and 22 days old.
Survived by his step-father and mother; SSgt Russell & Betty Jane Dame,and a half-brother; Russell T of 2412-A Mora Loop,Holloman AFB, NM.
We are lookng for a photo of L/Cpl Dale A Griffin anyone have one
We are looking for a photo of L/Cpl Dale A Griffin who was killed in Vietnam. We were hoping that you might have a photo of him. We need a copy of his photo for the new Vietnam Memorial being built in Washington DC where his photo will be displayed starting in 2018.
We are doing this for the new Vietnam Memorial in Washington DC that broke ground in November 2012. The photos will be displayed in this memorial once it is completed in 2018. Here is the link to that site: We have been searching for photos of these Veterans since 2006 and we need some help. Some of these Veterans we don’t have very much information on so we can try and track down a photo.

Trying to hook a Marine Gunner up with any Marines who were tunnel rats in Vietnam. If they are willing to talk, have the reach out to me on this email.
Annette Amerman
Branch Head and Historian
Historical Reference Branch
Marine Corps History Division
Office: 703.432.4893
If you can help Annette
please do, the past. she has helped us a
number of times in over the years
with historical information.
To all hands .... this is the FB Page that was dicussed at the annual membership meeting
Eventually all members and wives will be added to this page.
This is another tool for communications,member recruitment,and organizational maintenance.
This is a closed group all requests for joining are vetted.
All comments are welcome as this is a running communication blog for events ,announcements and information questions
This page is also a linked page to the Echo 2/3 Website by following this link below. it will take you right to the Echo Website
Dave Cota is the administrater
OKAY, I know
were now on
Looking for Echo Company Marines
to join us on Facebook.
Sometime around 2015 I received a Friend Request which I accepted. It was from a Marine that had stumbled onto our Echo 2/3 website. Said that he was with Echo 2/3 in Vietnam. I haven't heard from him since Thanksgiving 2022. I went to his FB page and found that he had passed away during 12-15-2022 at his home. Attempted to contact family members from his list of friends. His sister didn't know where he was buried and mentioned that he might have been cremated. He married Lois 2011. He appears that he had no children. Anyway, James mention that he was at Hill 881 and never wanted to talk about it. He lived in Newton, NJ. He died as a result of Parkinsons and congestive heart failure due to Agent Organize. This is a photo of him and his dog. Found a photo of him in his US Marine uniform. Will post later. Maybe someone from the Hill Fights remembers him. James "Jimmy" R Jennings.
This page was last updated: October 6, 2023