San Antonio, Texas
September 9, 2017 through September 13, 2017
Host Hotel: El Tropicano Riverwalk Hotel
110 Lexington Avenue | San Antonio, Texas 78205 | 210-223-9461
Check In: 4:00PM
Check out:
Room Rate:
$119.00 per night; includes breakfast for two each morning
All rates are subject to the prevailing local and state taxes, currently 16.75%
Group rates are available three days before and after the arrival/departure dates
Reduced to $12.00 plus tax
Fitness Studio:
Reservations: Cutoff date is August 10, 2018, reservations after subject to space available.
When making reservations please ask for the Echo Company 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marines Vietnam Vets Reunion rate.
Reservation toll free number is (877) 736-4311
This informational is just the first of several to follow. We are working to obtain a reduced round trip fare from the airport to the hotel, investigating attractions to visit and shopping for those interested.
Bill Smith, 925-997-8041