USAA has expanded their membership eligibility to ALL prior military who served honorably. Marines, I have been with this organization since 1975. There is no insurance company that can touch them insofar as service, loyalty, dedication to it's members and of course their prices in premiums. mortgages, auto loans, insurance. home owners insurance etc..etc...
USAA started out in 1923 insuring just military officers. Because of their clientle they began to grow and has never looked back. As they grew they continued to open up to others who served and to their dependents etc....They announced today that they have expanded eligibility to all former military who served honorably. I get nothing for recommending USAA to you except the satisfaction of knowing that I helped my fellow Marines.....If you go with this organization, please show them the loyalty that you have shown Echo 2/3 Marines in war and peace. You will find no better insurance company for all types of insurance, loans, stocks etc etc
To contact them call 1-800-531-8722 or log onto: USAA.COM

Semper Fidelis,
Jim Cannon
Major USMC(Ret.)
Historian/VA Assistance Officer VVEC