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Web Master
A note from Dottie Dewberry

Paul Marguis,
I just wanted to express my thanks to The Echo Company for allowing me to come and to share your reunion. As the years go by I feel more and more excitment in seeing each of you again-my band of brothers. It is like going home and seeing my cousins, aunts, and uncles again-HUGS, KISSES, AND MORE HUGS. Each year the time gets shorter (goes by faster) as I am reluctant to leave all of you  as I well may never get to listen to your funny stories, jokes and, Lord Forgive Me, your cussing again. It may be a month before I stop remembering certain funny stories. Paul's story about the bears has probably changed my outlook on bears forever. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to see Fort Sumter,SC.; such a special place in my knowledge of history. Wow, there it was; just like the history books said. Charleston is a fabulously beautiful historical city; I hope you all felt the same as I did-walking in the steps of our past. Every event was so special:  Meeting the Major General, touring the Yorktown, Charleston, Fort Sumter, the Battery, Sullivan's Island, eating breakfast, but not having lunch, and eating supper (dinner) with my new friends. Until next year: take care, be safe, pray, and I will see you in Reno.
Love you all,
Dottie Dewberry